EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were sent home to the Folks on January 3, 1945; one by each of the boys. Below is the first letter Winfred sent home to the Folks in 1945.
Jan. 3, 1945 2500 WF R.A.A.B. Reno, NV
Winfred writes a few lines to the Folks because they had ‘got on him’ about doing so poorly in writing them; has only 3 more days of ground school with a 95+ average & 25 W.P.M. code speed; encloses a money order from has surplus cash and asks about his account; is glad they heard from Cliff and that he is still in England, heard from Lt. Pflug who asks for some 120mm film – Winfred can’t get it at his base so asks his parents if they can get it and send it to Pflug who is now a Captain.