Feb. 21, 1944(1) – 1450 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 21, 1944. Winfred wrote one letter to his Folks and one letter to his sister Margaret; Clifford also wrote a letter home to the Folks.

Feb. 21, 1944 (1)                             1450      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y.

Winfred write to the Folks the day after his third mission. Apologizes for not writing but has been very busy; is getting along well and feeling fine; heard from Cliff who got K.P. for chewing gum; gets a kick out of Cliffs letters; says Cliff is lucky to be where he is; missed the fuel truck so no fire; got an axe and some wood from a secret place; big poker game tonight and is just watching; needs a ration card to buy stuff there; and is pretty worn out.