Feb. 17, 1943 0070 WF

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Th1s letter is dated Feb. 18, 1943 but the postmark on the envelope was Feb. 17, 1943.  

Feb. 17, 1943                    0070      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD

(letter dated 2/18/43 but postmark is 2/17/43)

Winfred asks the folks how things are in Irondale; he’s got his glasses. Says it’s nice there in SD – a littlle above zero!  Asks if his brother Clifford is in the army yet. Says he’s getting into the swing of things there now. Hasn’t passed his eight-word test yet. Chokes on the tests but still has a 90% average.  Received a letter from his Uncle Cleo and Aunt Bertha. Asks about the post office business. Has detail and needs to study for a test in theory.

EDITOR’S NOTE: This was the first letter sent home from his new base in Sioux Falls, SD where he began his radio operator training.