Winfred to Patsy

Nov. 7, 1943 (2) – 0780 – WP

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written and sent home by Winfred on November 7, 1943; one to the Folks and one to his little sister Patsy Ann. Nov. 7, 1943 (2)                0780     WP        March Field, CA               No Env Winfred writes to his little sister Pat.  He hasn’t forgotten her, just been busy.  He asks about her school, if she ever plays “hooky”, and about her boyfriends. Even though it’s cold in Missouri, he would rather be there. Says to tell Clifford ” Hi” and encourages her to be smart not like he is.

Nov. 7, 1943 (2) – 0780 – WP Read More »

Mar. 3, 1943 0140 WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first letter Winfred wrote to his younger sister Patsy Ann. She was 9 years old at that time. Mar. 3, 1943                      0140      WP         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred asks Patsy about school and comments on the weather. He writes from his bunk and has heard from a friend in Alaska. He asks if Clifford is still at home, or in the army.  Wants her to tell mom a bunch of his class has shipped out. Asks about her cat Dot and will send her a picture of him in his uniform.

Mar. 3, 1943 0140 WM Read More »