Winfred to Margaret

Feb. 21, 1944(2) – 1460 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 21, 1944. Winfred wrote one letter to his Folks and one letter to his sister Margaret; Clifford also wrote a letter home to the Folks. Feb. 21, 1944 (2)                            1460      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to his sister Margaret the day after his third mission. He asks about her job and activities; hasn’t heard from her for several days; is fine but busy; has time, a fire, pen & paper but nothing he can write about; from now on will say nothing in fewer words like Cliff; heard from Cliff who wants to get out of there and was on K.P. yesterday writing him from the latrine; is pretty tired and has to get up early.

Feb. 21, 1944(2) – 1460 – WM Read More »

Feb. 20, 1944 – 1440 – BOMB MISSION 3 – Brunswick 1

EDITOR’S NOTE: Feb. 20 – 25, 1944 became known as “Big Week”. An article – “BIG WEEK”: The Turning Point of the Air War in Europe in WWII – with a video link is being provided to explain the event; followed by Winfred’s Bomber Journal: Mission 3 entry.  FEB. 20, 1944                   1440                     BOMBER JOURNAL   MISSION 3 – BRUNSWICK 1 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Feb. 20, 1944 – 1440 – BOMB MISSION 3 – Brunswick 1 Read More »

Feb. 19, 1944(2) – 1420 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written on Feb. 19, 1944. One letter was written by Mabel Byrd (Winfred’s aunt) to Norman Maxwell (Winfred’s uncle). The other letter was written by Winfred to his Folks. Feb. 19, 1944 (2)              1420      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks he has just finished reading the V-mail they sent.  He wonders if Clifford got transferred, or a rating; hasn’t received his back pay yet; says cigarettes and candy are in short supply there; is glad to hear the enlargements are being taken care of; comments on being fine without his ex-girlfriend; and has been at far worse places.

Feb. 19, 1944(2) – 1420 – WF Read More »

Feb. 17, 1944(2) – 1390 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 17, 1944. Winfred sent one letter to his sister Margaret, and one to his Folks. The third letter was written by one of Winfred’s aunts and sent to another of his aunts which was then forwarded to G.D. Maxwell (Winfred’s dad) by his brother Norman. Feb. 17, 1944 (2)              1390      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to Margaret; doesn’t mind the place; has a pen that skips; is munching on his weekly rations that he stood in line for hours to get; heard from Cliff that he is expecting a transfer; Cliff heard from their cousin Lynn; worked up the energy to shave; asks about the Dickey’s and Erma; and says it is cold but they have a cheery fire in their stove.

Feb. 17, 1944(2) – 1390 – WM Read More »

Feb. 15, 1944 – 1360 – Bomb Mission 2 – Siracourt(2)

EDITOR’S NOTE: According to Winfred’s Journal this was the crew’s second mission. The 1980 compilation of the three crew members notes states this was the crews first mission – though in the statement it says ‘This is the second time for the crew to hit Siracourt.” FEB. 15, 1944       1360       BOMB  MISSION 2 – SIRACOURT     453rd B.G. 734th B.Squad. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Feb. 15, 1944 – 1360 – Bomb Mission 2 – Siracourt(2) Read More »

Feb. 11, 1944 – 1330 – WM

Feb. 11, 1944                    1330      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes Margaret about nothing much; is swell and happy as can be expected; is writing on a table with 3 others; hopes his cousin Joyce is coming there; only receiving V-mails; Cousin Jr. is at a nearby base; Uncle Norman wrote but it’s hard to read; and asks about Clifford.

Feb. 11, 1944 – 1330 – WM Read More »

Feb. 7, 1944(2 of 3) – 1290 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 7, 1944; one by Winfred to Margaret, one by Clifford to the Folks, and one by Margaret to the Folks. Feb. 7, 1944 (2of 3)                        1290      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford writes he has not been transferred; is no longer on radar; is training to get in shape; has K.P. on Sunday for chewing gum; is plenty tired of things there (1918 footlocker heroes and 4th grade wizards); is not getting any place because he doesn’t take it; and brags about scoring 20 points in a basketball game.

Feb. 7, 1944(2 of 3) – 1290 – CF Read More »

Feb. 7, 1944(1 of 3) – 1280 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 7, 1944; one by Winfred to Margaret, one by Clifford to the Folks, and one by Margaret to the Folks. EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first letter Winfred sent home after his first bombing mission. Feb. 7, 1944 (1)                1280      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham Winfred writes to his sister the day after his first bombing mission. He states again he has written often; is writing with ‘Pappy’s’ left-handed pen; is ashamed Erma has gone ‘opera crazy’; has been to a USO show, but England is a let down from Hollywood; writes he has been unusually busy lately; asks if his ex, Lois, has been seen; would like some quiet time in MO; says the weather is swell but cloudy; asks about her job; has heard from Lynn; wonders how the war is going – no news there; and has a big day tomorrow.

Feb. 7, 1944(1 of 3) – 1280 – WM Read More »

Feb. 5, 1944(2) – 1260 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written by Winfred on Feb. 5, 1944; one to the Folks, and one to his sister Margaret. Feb. 5, 1944 (2)                1260      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred answers Margaret and says he writes every day. He went to Norwich yesterday, quite a town; saw a movie at an English theater, went to a dance and thinks English girls are O.K. but peculiar. He asks about how the war is going because they cannot hear much over there. Tells her he got a promotion. EDITOR’S NOTE: Tomorrow is the crew’s first bombing mission.

Feb. 5, 1944(2) – 1260 – WM Read More »

Jan. 19, 1944(3) – 1130 – CF

Jan. 19, 1944 (3)              1130      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford writes the Folks a ditty. He had a pass and used it to work at a pulp mill, made good money, then blew it. When he got back, he heard they would be shipping out soon; but not too far. So, he will be sending ‘a few things’ home (no need to open them!). He got a ‘masterpiece’ letter from Lynn and will send it on to Winfred. The ‘guys’ think his dad is a good writer.

Jan. 19, 1944(3) – 1130 – CF Read More »