Winfred to Margaret

Apr. 9, 1944 – 1840 – WM

Apr. 9, 1944          1840          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred asks how Margaret doing and thanks her for the candy – wants more + cigarettes; has been busy; thanks for all the clippings – American news is about what the Americans are doing – British news is about the Brits; got a V-mail from Cliff which is like not hearing from him at all because of his handwriting; is listening to Sinatra – asks if she’s a fan; His friend Monk is in gunnery school again; and closes to write others.

Apr. 9, 1944 – 1840 – WM Read More »

Apr. 8, 1944 – 1830 – Bomb Mission 10 – Brunswick 2

This is Winfred’s first mission with his new Bomb Group – the 389th – as part of a PFF Crew. APR. 8, 1944     1830     BOMBER JOURNAL  MISSION 10 (291/80) – BRUNSWICK 2 8th AAF   389th BG   PFF   564th BS Crtl CLICK to see ‘How H2X “Mickey” – Got its name’ CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Apr. 8, 1944 – 1830 – Bomb Mission 10 – Brunswick 2 Read More »

Apr. 2, 1944 – 1820 – WF

Apr. 2, 1944          1820          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks two days in a row; getting along fine but not crazy about the new base – compares it to a breakup;  he saw ‘The Ghost of Frankenstein’; Sam (Rainer) said thanks and his dad really liked the picture they sent; The Rainers are a nice family but strictly Southern – Rebel; Winfred can’t tell them much about what he is doing now but it is slightly different and interesting; and closes for sack time. 

Apr. 2, 1944 – 1820 – WF Read More »

Apr. 1, 1944 (2) – 1810 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on April 1, 1944 from his new base; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Apr. 2, 1944 (2)          1810          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred apologizes to Margaret for not writing but has been busy getting organized after being transferred to the 389th BG/ 564th B. Squadron; it’s a nicer field but he knew everyone at the old base;  Cousin Jr. is there but hasn’t had a chance to find him; saw a U.S.O. show with James Cagney in it; asks about St. Louis and the Dickeys; will write more next time.

Apr. 1, 1944 (2) – 1810 – WM Read More »

Mar. 25, 1944 – 1770 – WM

Mar. 25, 1944          1770          WM          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred pesters Margaret with another letter; sure enjoys the letters and clippings she sends; is a swell day there – like a spring day in MO.; heard from Clifford’s girl Lou who is swell – sent candy and writes an interesting letter; comments on the basketball whiz Jonny Reagan from a clipping; Likes the American version of the news – it tells what he is doing; and closes to get some sack time.

Mar. 25, 1944 – 1770 – WM Read More »

Mar. 21, 1944 (2) – 1730 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on March 21, 1944; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Mar. 21, 1944 (2)          1730          WM          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred answers Margaret’s V-mail received today; is as usual – good health and frame of mind as can be expected; tells her not to get down because of her job – tough all over; mom has enlargements of his crew picture and is sending him one; anxious to be back in the States; is a nice sunny day there; asks about Erma and the opera stuff will continue his series of lectures to her when he gets some spare time; and must go to the mess hall now.

Mar. 21, 1944 (2) – 1730 – WM Read More »

Mar. 19, 1944 (2) – 1700 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on March 19, 1944; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Mar. 19, 1944 (2)          1700          WM          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred scribbles a few lines to Margaret; he’s about as usual – don’t like this place any more than before; loves to see the sunshiny day; asks if she has visited tune town lately; enjoys getting the newspaper clippings she sends; been ambitious – shaved and washed; Roxie and Bea promised him a steak; must stop dreaming and close.

Mar. 19, 1944 (2) – 1700 – WM Read More »

Mar. 12, 1944 (2) – 1640 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: On March 12, 1944, Winfred writes two messages home; a V-mail to his Folks and a letter to his sister Margaret. Mar. 12, 1944 (2)          1640          WM          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to Margaret; says he is still breezing along in the E.T.O.; griping some; received two letters from Clifford who is sadder than usual, complains about not getting promoted, so is going to be a “goof off’ from now on; asks if she has been home recently – the Folks must get lonesome; and closes.

Mar. 12, 1944 (2) – 1640 – WM Read More »

Mar. 1, 1944 (2) – 1550 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written by Winfred on Mar. 1, 1944; one to the Folks, and one to his sister Margaret. Mar. 1, 1944 (2)               1550      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret it’s cold there and plenty busy; he went to Cambridge on a two-day pass and took in all the “pubs”, a couple of shows, and a church service; it’s 2 in the afternoon and he is trying to catch up on his writing; paper is scarce; and had to pause for 3 hours because his C. O. (Commanding Officer) needed something done. He just received a V-mail from Cousin Irma and will give her another lesson on the happy life of a sad sack soon.

Mar. 1, 1944 (2) – 1550 – WM Read More »