Winfred to Margaret

Jun. 2, 1944 – 2120 – WM

Jun. 2, 1944          2120          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred asks Margaret about her work; says he is still there, a little tired of the place but OK; enjoyed a stage show ‘Taras’ last night – radio stars and gals; heard there’s another flood in St. Louis; still hasn’t looked up Bob or any of the boys; got a haircut by a ‘limie hairdresser’ who scalped him; all out of gab so closes. PS saw Cousin Jr. last night. EDITOR’S NOTE: Jun 2, 1944 – Happy 49th Birthday Dad – Guy D Maxwell

Jun. 2, 1944 – 2120 – WM Read More »

May 30, 1944 – 2100 – WM

May 30, 1944          2100          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to thank Margaret for the candy + cigarettes; he got 2 letters from her yesterday – from before and after her trip to Irondale; glad she can get home once in a while because the Folks must get lonely; hasn’t located Bob Dickey yet; asks about St. Louis and if any new boy friends have visited the Dickey household; Joyce got a job before a boyfriend; and closes.

May 30, 1944 – 2100 – WM Read More »

May 28, 1944 – 2080 – WM

May 28, 1944          2080          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret it’s a nice sunny Sunday morning and he has nothing he has to do until this afternoon; he’s getting along pretty well but been pretty busy the last few days; asks how she is doing and if she is at church; asks if she has heard from their brother who doesn’t write much anymore; he has earned the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf clusters and is going to send them home; asks about the Dickey family; is still on the lookout for salt & pepper shakers for Aunt Maude – forgets to look when on a pass;  closes to write mom.

May 28, 1944 – 2080 – WM Read More »

May 24, 1944 (2) – 2050 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were sent home by Winfred today; one to his Folks, and one to his sister, Margaret. May 24, 1944 (2)         2050          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret he has been doing a better job writing her the past few days; has been hearing from her often and enjoys the clippings she sends – he can read all about himself; the crews been taking some pictures and he will send her some; it’s a nice day to play some softball; asks if Joyce has found a job, or a man yet – shortage of men at home and women over there; the ‘boss’(their pilot – A.P. Tolley) just came in so he’ll be occupied the next several hours in a game of ball; tell all the Dickeys “Hello”.

May 24, 1944 (2) – 2050 – WM Read More »

May 18, 1944 – 1990 – WM

May 18, 1944          1990          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred asks Margaret about the St. Louis people; has just returned from an enjoyable trip to London; imagines her and the Dickey girls have a swell time together; tells her he got promoted to tech sergeant and can use the extra money; must close and write home.

May 18, 1944 – 1990 – WM Read More »

May 6, 1944 – 1930 – WM

May 6, 1944          1930          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York, N.Y. Winfred writes he has nothing important to write about but writes Margaret anyway; has been getting the clippings; Clifford expresses himself bluntly – the army has added to his obscene vocabulary; and closes to write home.

May 6, 1944 – 1930 – WM Read More »

May 3, 1944 – 1920 – WM

May 3, 1944          1920          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York, N.Y. Winfred writes Margaret he’s caught up on sack time; it’s sunny and warm there; – reminds him of Missouri and the old swimming hole; saw Frank Sinatra in ‘Higher and Higher’; Bob Dickey is over there now and he would like to look him up; asks about how Cousin Joyce is getting along in St. Louis and says to say hello to all the Dickeys; can’t find salt & pepper shakers for Aunt Anna; and he got a V-mail from Clifford.

May 3, 1944 – 1920 – WM Read More »

Apr. 27, 1944 – 1910 – WM

Apr. 27, 1944      1910     WM       Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret he has missed writing due to a 48-hour pass; he got 2 letters + clippings from her today; he’s with the same crew, PFF now, just a different place he’s beginning to like – more to do; his scribbling is worse because the 2-day pass does something to his ‘nerves’; and closes mentioning he has received the Air Medal and some Oak Leave Clusters.

Apr. 27, 1944 – 1910 – WM Read More »

Apr. 19, 1944 – 1890 – WM

Apr. 19, 1944      1890     WM       Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to Margaret; says he’s still there and fairly well; asks about her; is liking the place better now – summer might even be likable – lots of daylight; will probably run across Cousin Jr. tonight and talk; asks if she gets his mail – poor on his end – none for a week; and must close.

Apr. 19, 1944 – 1890 – WM Read More »

Apr. 14, 1944 – 1870 – WM

Apr. 14, 1944          1870          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred asks Margaret how “the working girl” is getting along; say the war must be keeping him busy; Asks if she hears from the ‘sad sack’ – Clifford; he bets the army has changed him; hopes their cousin Joyce who is changing jobs finds one in St. Louis; is ready to get a pass; hears they’re drafting married men back home; hasn’t seen Cousin Jr. for several days – he seems different; and closes.

Apr. 14, 1944 – 1870 – WM Read More »