Winfred to Folks

June 6, 1943 – 0270 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: June 6th, 1943 was just a typical (war-time) day in June. The U.S. has been in the war for a year and a half. A year from today the invasion of Europe will begin. Less than a year after that, the war in Europe will be over. May the heroes of that day never be forgotten! Jun. 6, 1943                        0270      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred tells the Folks he only 2 1/2 days until Winfred he graduates from Radio School! (at the Army Air Force Technical School in Sioux Falls, SD.)

June 6, 1943 – 0270 – WF Read More »

Mar. 2, 1943 0130 WF

Mar. 2, 1943                      0130      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred writes the Folks that he has been making progress in code but struggles in theory. He got a picture of his girl – Lois – today and wonders how he rates her. He got paid yesterday and may send some home. He has heard from his friends – Bob M., Stack, and Monk.

Mar. 2, 1943 0130 WF Read More »

Feb. 26, 1943 0120 WF

Feb. 26, 1943                    0120      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred writes the Folks complaining about the camp; they had a ‘jam’ session in the barracks last night listening to the radio and ‘jitterbugging‘; he got a letter from cousin Joyce (Dickey) and comments on her younger sister Erma; Margaret is pretty busy working; he asks about Clifford, his friends and his dad’s job at the post office.

Feb. 26, 1943 0120 WF Read More »

Feb. 17, 1943 0070 WF

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Th1s letter is dated Feb. 18, 1943 but the postmark on the envelope was Feb. 17, 1943.   Feb. 17, 1943                    0070      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD (letter dated 2/18/43 but postmark is 2/17/43) Winfred asks the folks how things are in Irondale; he’s got his glasses. Says it’s nice there in SD – a littlle above zero!  Asks if his brother Clifford is in the army yet. Says he’s getting into the swing of things there now. Hasn’t passed his eight-word test yet. Chokes on the tests but still has a 90% average.  Received a letter from his Uncle Cleo and Aunt Bertha. Asks about the post office business. Has detail and needs to study for a test in theory. CLICK HERE to see lots of good pics of the base and town where Winfred attended Radio School.  The pics are from a 1943 class/yearbook from a class that attended the AAFTS in Sioux Falls, SD after Winfred’s. EDITOR’S NOTE: This was the first letter sent home from his new base in Sioux Falls, SD where he began his radio operator training.

Feb. 17, 1943 0070 WF Read More »

Jan. 26, 1943 0040 WF PC 3

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third postcard Winfred sent home to the Folks.    Jan. 26, 1943                     0040      WF         Clearwater, FL                  POSTCARD 3 Winfred sends a postcard to the folks.  He is about over his cold and drills every day.

Jan. 26, 1943 0040 WF PC 3 Read More »

Jan. 19, 1943 0010 WF PC 1

EDITOR’S NOTE: The postcard below may not be the first letter Winfred sent home after his enlistment, but it is the oldest found in the box of letters. For Basic Training, Winfred moved from his enlistment site at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO, to the A.A.F.T.T.C. (Army Air Force Technical Training Command) in Clearwater, FL. Jan. 19, 1943     0010                     WF         Clearwater, FL                  POSTCARD 1 Winfred doesn’t have much time but writes to thank his Folks for the money and paper they had sent.  It will come in handy as he is almost broke.  It is almost time to eat so he will quit until later.  

Jan. 19, 1943 0010 WF PC 1 Read More »