Winfred to Folks

May 14, 1944 – 1980 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: It has been almost six weeks since Winfred sent a letter to his Folks. It is possible a letter might be missing, or . . . he at one time said that he could not think of home while he was over there for fear of ‘losing it’ like many of the other soldiers he had seen. May 14, 1944          1980          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks after several days but has been busy; he has a much-welcomed pass coming up; is still O.K. – feels fine; guesses Cliff who is now in Texas has outgrown him; has been promoted to Tech Sergeant; and must close.

May 14, 1944 – 1980 – WF Read More »

Apr. 1, 1944 (1) – 1800 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on April 1, 1944 from his new base; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Apr. 1, 1944 (1)          1800          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred lets the folks know he has been transferred to a new outfit (389th B.G./564th B. Squad.) and  hasn’t had time to write; tells them to notice his new address change; it’s a nice place, much better, but he doesn’t like it a well yet; hasn’t heard from anyone in a while; on the same base with Cousin Jr.; asks if they got the money order he sent; must close now; and says Mr. Rainer received his picture okay.

Apr. 1, 1944 (1) – 1800 – WF Read More »

Mar. 24, 1944 – 1760 – WF

 Mar. 24, 1944          1760          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells the Folks Margaret sent some news clippings – one talks about Johnny Reagan in a Basketball Tourney in MO.; also heard from Clifford’s girlfriend Mary Lou – she’s nice and sent some candy; is still getting along fine; and closes.

Mar. 24, 1944 – 1760 – WF Read More »

Mar. 21, 1944 (1) – 1720 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on March 21, 1944; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Mar. 21, 1944 (1)          1720          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred answers the V-mail from the Folks and Margaret; is glad they got the photo enlargements and are sending them right away; is as usual – anxious to get back to the States; Cliff seems more himself – wanting to be transferred; all his crew is still together; and must stop to write Margaret.

Mar. 21, 1944 (1) – 1720 – WF Read More »

Mar. 19, 1944 (1) – 1690 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on March 19, 1944; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Mar. 19, 1944 (1)          1690          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks; tells them he is well; apologizes again for not writing; glad they’re sending the enlargements; would like to be there a few days; knows the censor; is now entitled to the air-medal; thanks them for the cigarettes and candy he doesn’t have yet; not heard from anybody for a few days; and closes.

Mar. 19, 1944 (1) – 1690 – WF Read More »

Mar. 17, 1944 (1) – 1660 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home on March 17, 1944; one from Winfred and one from Clifford to the Folks. Mar. 17, 1944 (1)          1660          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred apologizes to the Folks for not writing – just back from a 48-hour pass to London; saw a lot, big city, like back in the States; gladly receiving mail from home and family; must close to answer more letters.

Mar. 17, 1944 (1) – 1660 – WF Read More »

Mar. 12, 1944 (1) – 1630 – WF – V-Mail

EDITOR’S NOTE: On March 12, 1944, Winfred writes two messages home; a V-mail to his Folks and a letter to his sister Margaret. Mar. 12, 1944 (1)          V-mail          1630          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred sends a V-mail home to see how fast it gets there (air mail is faster to him); still O.K., will try to write more but is kept busy; has a pass coming and hopes to see more of England; heard from Margaret and Cliff who is still disgusted with everything.

Mar. 12, 1944 (1) – 1630 – WF – V-Mail Read More »

Mar. 8, 1944 – 1610 – WF

Mar. 8, 1944          1610          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred scribbles a few more lines to the Folks; everything is as usual. He received a letter from Mrs. Brennecke about her daughter’s broken heart (Lois – Winfred’s ex-girlfriend); it didn’t sway him and somehow seems unimportant these days; is enclosing a money order to be added to his account; asks about things at home; still cold there – would like to see the sun; and closes.

Mar. 8, 1944 – 1610 – WF Read More »

Mar. 7, 1944 – 1600 – WF

Mar. 7, 1944          1600          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to the folks he has slipped again in his writing for the same reasons; hearing from them and Margaret regularly – been getting his ‘Journals’, is fine as usual -taking it easy (hot shower and dinner); now catching up on correspondence; not as cold – never seen a hot day there; has more money than he needs – will send some home to add to his bank account; asks about Cliff who doesn’t write much; and closes.

Mar. 7, 1944 – 1600 – WF Read More »

Mar. 1, 1944 (1) – 1540 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written by Winfred on Mar. 1, 1944; one to the Folks, and one to his sister Margaret. Mar. 1, 1944 (1)               1540      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells the Folks he has been on a 48-hour pass and been plenty busy; enjoyed being away from camp and time to relax; hearing from home regularly lately; talks about the size of packages they can send; Margaret writes often; and had a nice visit to Cambridge where he attended the Wesley Methodist church.

Mar. 1, 1944 (1) – 1540 – WF Read More »