Winfred to Folks

August 20, 1944(1) – 2360 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first letter Winfred has sent home to the Folks in almost a month. Aug. 20, 1944(1)          2360          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks; acknowledges he has been doing extra poor in writing to them but has so little to write about now; knows he should be back in the States sometime in September; wishes dad could have been there to see Billy Conn exhibition fight; hasn’t heard from Cliff in a long time; enclosing a few photos of around here + the boys – one of Eng. Vogan and himself; and closes.  

August 20, 1944(1) – 2360 – WF Read More »

Jul. 24, 1944(1) – 2290 – WF

Jul. 24, 1944(1)          2290          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks he has done poor in writing because there is nothing he can write about just the same old routine; would love to be home for a while; heard from his friends Bob Dickey – who is down and in France; and from Monk – who is a gunnery instructor in Idaho; and guesses they enjoyed Cliff and Margaret’s visit.

Jul. 24, 1944(1) – 2290 – WF Read More »

Jul. 16, 1944 – 2280 – WF

Jul. 16, 1944          2280          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to the Folks a short letter because there is nothing to write about. He’s getting along well and doing no more than he has too. Still don’t know when he’ll leave England; Mail is scarce – none then past 3 days; must close to write his women – Lois Brennecke.

Jul. 16, 1944 – 2280 – WF Read More »

Jun 26, 1944 – 2240 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is Winfred’s first letter home since completing his final mission. Jun. 26, 1944          2240          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells the Folks he is a very happy + lucky fellow (he has another pass); and says “you don’t have to do anymore worrying about me now as I’ve accomplished what I came for”; taking things easy starting today. Apologizes for not writing for several days; asks they tell Margaret he will write to her soon – he’s been busy; expresses how relieved is now; guesses he’s “about the most lucky fellow in the E.T.O.”; has an Air Medal + 3 clusters and is recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross – will send them home when he can; and closes to get ready to go to town and do a little celebrating.

Jun 26, 1944 – 2240 – WF Read More »

June 23, 1944 – 2220 – WF

Jun. 23, 1944          2220          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to the Folks. He has been on a pass to London so couldn’t get much writing done; it was a welcomed pass – had a nice time, relaxation did him some good; heard from Cliff today (first time for a long time) Cliff had to do Basic training again and might get a furlough soon; Winf. felt kind of sorry for him – Cliff’s likely to go someplace soon; and closes to write more letters.

June 23, 1944 – 2220 – WF Read More »

Jun. 14, 1944 – 2190 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is Winfred’s first letter home since the D-Day Invasion. No mention of the invasion; it would have been censored if he had. Jun. 14, 1944          2190          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred scribbles a few lines to the Folks; asks if anything is interesting or new at home – any of the boys been home lately?; everything is as usual; enjoying the summer weather; mail has been scarce; is ready for another package of cigarettes and candy; wants posted on his bank account; asks if Cliff writes much – knows he is busy; guesses they haven’t seen any of the folks for a while; and closes.

Jun. 14, 1944 – 2190 – WF Read More »

Jun. 3, 1944(2) – 2140 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: This letter home was written after the bombing mission they completed earlier in the day. Jun. 3, 1944          2140          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred lets the Folks know it’s 8:00 P.M., he is still there and is O.K.; no show tonight so nothing to do but write; glad they got the money he sent – others say it’s not quick; will be making more next month but may go to London and spend it – the relaxation is worth it; Cliff hasn’t written lately but probably too busy; has a black eye from free-for-all last night with a couple of the boys – had fun; received two letters with clippings from Maragaret today; closes to answer her letters.

Jun. 3, 1944(2) – 2140 – WF Read More »

May 24, 1944(1) – 2040 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were sent home by Winfred today; one to his Folks, and one to his sister, Margaret. This is the only letter home that Winfred addresses to both his parents Mr. + Mrs. Guy D. Maxwell. May 24, 1944 (1)         2040          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Once again Winfred writes the Folks; the service men’s radio broadcasts are pretty good over there – Melody Roundup; Margaret sends clippings connected to him; England is a beautiful place but rains a lot; they play games – football, basketball, etc. – a lot; hasn’t heard from Cliff for some time; can see him drilling in the Texas dust; and must close now.

May 24, 1944(1) – 2040 – WF Read More »

May 22, 1944 – 2030 – WF

May 22, 1944          2030          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred scribbles a few lines to the Folks; is O.K. – as happy as anyone in the E.T.O.; received the package yesterday they sent – thanks for the picture and candy; haven’t received letters for a couple days; mail service is much better; asks if they have heard from any of the Irondale boys; won’t get home for a while – has things to do; Toppy? Has joined the Navy; must close now.

May 22, 1944 – 2030 – WF Read More »

May 21, 1944 – 2020 – WF

May 21, 1944          2020          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred gets in a few lines to the Folks; hasn’t had time to write; is feeling well; hasn’t seen Jr. Maxwell; is hearing from everyone; is hearing from his ex – Lois and is hooked again; closes saying he will write more when he can find something to write about.

May 21, 1944 – 2020 – WF Read More »