August 9, 1944 – 2340 – Pflug to Folks
EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is a letter written by a crew member that flew with Winfred on the Hoo Jive. It was written and sent by Paul Pflug, the navigator, to Winfred’s parents after he had returned to the United States. Aug. 9, 1944 2340 PF Easton, PA Captain Pflug writes to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell. He knows Postmaster Maxwell will get this letter. He was the navigator on Winfred’s crew (the one who had saved Winfred’s life – (see Nov.10,1943 letter). They have finished their missions and been split up. He used to censor Winfred’s letters. He tells them they have a good son and one of the best radio operators. He wants to tell them Max is well and as happy as a person can be over there, has not been wounded or hurt and seems just the same as when they first met at March Field. Winfred should be coming home in a couple of months, then they can see for themselves. Winfred is on a ground job now for a short time -then home; Winfred is safe – far from the buzz bombs. That’s all for now.
August 9, 1944 – 2340 – Pflug to Folks Read More »