Clifford to Folks

Feb. 28, 1944 – 1530 – CF

Feb. 28, 1944                    1530      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford promises the Folks he will write more often; has been eating out of Mess Kits; guesses Winfred is giving the Nazis heck; comments on Winfred’s censor’s comment; hopes for a few pics – Winfred & crew, Patsy Ann, & Mom – Dad – Patsy together (like the other soldiers have).

Feb. 28, 1944 – 1530 – CF Read More »

Feb. 25, 1944(2) – 1520 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to the journal entry made on Feb. 25, 1944, Winfred wrote a letter home to the Folks. No mention was made of the bombing mission he was on that morning. Clifford also sent home a letter. Feb. 25, 1944 (2)                             1520      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford scribbles a letter home after receiving his vaccine to prevent yellow fever; hasn’t heard from them for a few days; has a cold; comments on the F.D.R/Barkley feud; had chicken today; asks if Margaret has visited lately – she doesn’t write often; still waiting to be shipped out – probably to California; asks about his friends – Bob Merrill and Rolla; and promise to write his sister Patsy Ann.

Feb. 25, 1944(2) – 1520 – CF Read More »

Feb. 21, 1944(3) – 1470 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 21, 1944. Winfred wrote one letter to his Folks and one letter to his sister Margaret; Clifford also wrote a letter home to the Folks. Feb. 21, 1944 (3)                             1470      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford writes the Folks saying he got three letters from Staff Sgt. Winfred today; is getting along with his gal; will do better writing them; is sure tired of that place; still awaiting transfer orders; and one of the soldiers there was sentence to 10 years for going AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave).

Feb. 21, 1944(3) – 1470 – CF Read More »

Jan. 30, 1944 – 1230 – CF

Jan. 30, 1944                    1230      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford writes the Folks; everything is about the same, he’s okay; describes going through the ‘filtration course’ again; is relieved of guard duty and will probably leave there soon.  Tell Patsy Ann “Hello”.

Jan. 30, 1944 – 1230 – CF Read More »

Jan. 28(2) – 1210 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written and sent home to the Folks on Jan. 28, 1944; one by Winfred, and one by Clifford. Jan. 28, 1944 (2)              1210      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford got a letter from Winfred; it did not say much. Cliff will be leaving soon but not overseas – doubts he could pass the overseas physical; is sending a box of stuff home; and comments on the newspaper clipping with him and Winfred in it.

Jan. 28(2) – 1210 – CF Read More »

Jan. 24, 1944 – 1180 – CF

Jan. 24, 1944             1180             CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford lets the Folks know he is okay, but busy; things there are popping; will likely be moved soon; asks about Winfred; has only heard from him once since going across; brags he is going to show the boys how to play pool on the Battery’ table tonight.

Jan. 24, 1944 – 1180 – CF Read More »

Dec. 27, 1943 – 1020 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the last letter Clifford sent home to the Folks in 1943. Dec. 27, 1943          PM          1020          CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford wrote the Folks a couple of days ago but forgot to mail it. He wrote this letter Christmas night. They had a nice Christmas, but he wishes he could have been home. Margaret told him Winfred was still in the States. He couldn’t buy as many presents as he wanted too; hopes to get his glasses fixed; guesses Patsy Ann had a big time, and the post office rush is over; has plenty of writing to do so will make this short; is listening to the President’s speech; and got a special telegram greeting from F.D.R. etc.

Dec. 27, 1943 – 1020 – CF Read More »

Dec. 7, 1943 – 0970 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: It was two years ago today that Pearl Harbor, HI was attacked by Japan and the U.S. entered WWII. Dec. 7, 1943          0970          CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Cliff writes he is okay; has heard from Winfred; and is busy on radar again. A funny thing happened – he got a letter from Pat Merrill approving of breaking off their relationship but has never heard back from Mary Lou. Now he is womanless, and right before Xmas. heh! heh!  P.S.  Also, received letters from Rev. Howell, Aunt Maude and Aunt Cleo; he thanks his Folks for the $3.00 they sent.

Dec. 7, 1943 – 0970 – CF Read More »