Clifford to Folks

August 25, 1944 – 2380 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is Clifford’s first letter home since June 15th, (almost ten weeks ago.) Aug. 25, 1944          2380          CF          Camp Barkeley, Texas The Folks hear from Clifford at last; just got back from the field today; had to turn in some of their stuff; hears they are going to Camp Bowie, Texas for more training; has sure been on the move the past few months; gets a lick out of some postcards; hopes to be h home for a few days when Winfred gets there – but he better hurry; everybody dislikes their officers and hopes for new ones when they transfer; guesses Patsy will be starting school soon; time is going by quickly and news is scarce. EDITOR’S NOTE: Clifford’s war will be getting started soon!

August 25, 1944 – 2380 – CF Read More »

Jun. 15, 1944 – 2200 – CF

Jun. 15, 1944          2200          CF          Camp Barkeley, Texas Clifford scribbles a ditty to the Folks before hitting the sack. He is getting along okay but a little run down; is off Fire Direction due to his eyes – back to Communications; is too lazy to be a sergeant; is desperate they send money soon; was sick all morning from something he ate; has forgotten about presents this year; Lois enjoys a book of poems; got a letter from Winfred today from before the invasion; tells them not to worry about Winfred too much, he’s quite a man; and hopes to see them soon.

Jun. 15, 1944 – 2200 – CF Read More »

Jun. 5, 1944 *Aprox. – 2160 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Clifford’s letter home was written after Rome fell on June 4, 1944 but before FDR gave a speech about D-Day. Though the Yank magazine cover is dated June 6, 1944, it was likely sent out to GI’s the previous week Jun. 5, 1944  *Aprox                      2160      CF           Camp Barkeley, Texas Clifford writes the Folks that he is behind in his writing; that he is glad Rome fell; hasn’t heard from Winfred for a while – hard to get a letter out of England; is broke again and asks his Folks to cash one of his bonds; is listening to FDR; and found an article in a Yank magazine about his old fort in Washington state. EDITOR’S NOTE: Today. June 5, 1944, was to be the day for the D-Day Normandy Invasion but it was delayed a day due to bad weather.

Jun. 5, 1944 *Aprox. – 2160 – CF Read More »

Jun. 1*, 1944 *Approx. – 2110 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: The 768th Field Artillery Battalion (Motorized 155 Howitzer Tractor Drawn) was activated on May 9, 1944 at Camp Barkley, Texas per General Order No. 2, Hq 418th FA Group Camp Barkley, Texas dated 8 May 1944. The enlisted men cadre was made up from the 248th Coastal Artillery Regiment, 1st Battalion which had previously been stationed at Fort Worden, WA. This is the first letter Clifford sent home since March 28th, over two months ago. June 1, 1944* Approximate          2110          CF          Camp Barkeley, Texas Clifford tells the Folks he is really sunburned; it hasn’t rained and is really dry; the climate is hard on the fellows that were at Fort Worden before the war; hears they are to be reserve field artillery in case anything goes wrong with the invasion; went through the filtration course at 10:30 last night – tracer bullets looked pretty but he really hugged the ground; has 155mm Howitzer now; will probably never get a rating -doesn’t really matter; is with soldiers of the old school and will follow the old-timers any place.

Jun. 1*, 1944 *Approx. – 2110 – CF Read More »

Mar. 18, 1944 – 1680 – CF

Mar. 18, 1944          1680          CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford writes to the Folks; has it pretty easy lately; got letters from them and Winfred; glad Margaret got to visit them; asks about Patsy Ann in school and her long division; not much else to write about.

Mar. 18, 1944 – 1680 – CF Read More »

Mar. 17, 1944 (2) – 1670 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home on March 17, 1944; one from Winfred and one from Clifford to the Folks. Mar. 17, 1944 (2)          1670          CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford tells the Folks he got back from a pass to Seattle yesterday; will not be going to California but will soon leave; Winfred told him coal was black gold there in England; got a letter from an old schoolmate – Loretta; weighs 176; left home a year ago today; and will close and go to a show at the camp.

Mar. 17, 1944 (2) – 1670 – CF Read More »

Mar. 9, 1944* approx – 1620 – CF

Mar. 9*, 1944 *aproximate date          1620          CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford is kinda’ slow writing the Folks but can’t find the time; been having a lot of all day hikes; hears the bombers are opening up on Berlin and guesses his brother is in the middle of it; got the picture of Winfred and his crew; is listening to Gabriel Heather now; not much to write about so is going to write his gal; and is getting the news they send.

Mar. 9, 1944* approx – 1620 – CF Read More »

Mar. 4, 1944 – 1570 – CF

Mar. 4, 1944                     1570      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford tells the Folks he got a letter from them today and yes, he has been hearing from them often and likes it; not much to write about from there; don’t worry, when he moves it will still be in the States; today, it’s a nice, beautiful day there but when the weather is bad it’s the worst.

Mar. 4, 1944 – 1570 – CF Read More »

Mar. 3, 1944* Approx. – 1560 – CF

Mar. 3, 1944 (aprox)                      1560      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford tells the Folks he had a pretty good time on his pass last week; asks about the post office; says it’s another rainy day; was on guard again last night; won’t be there much longer; asks what his dad thinks of the Barkley-Roosevelt feud; thinks the war will be over soon; and signs off telling them not to worry about him.

Mar. 3, 1944* Approx. – 1560 – CF Read More »