Mar. 26, 1944 – 1780 – Bomb Mission 9 – Pas De Calias

MAR. 26, 1944     1780     BOMBER JOURNAL     MISSION 9 – PAS DE CALIAS EDITOR’S NOTE: This was the last mission Winfred and his crew flew with the 435rd Bomb Group; the group they had trained with in the States, transferred with to England, and flew with for their first nine missions. They are being transferred to the 389th Bomb Group (Still in the 2nd Bomb Wing and 2nd Air Division of the 8th Air Force). The 389th B.G. is based nearby at Station #114 – Hethel, England. They are being transferred to be trained to join the PathFinder Force (PFF). Pathfinders used a new type of microwave radar (first developed by the British) that could locate targets on the ground through the clouds. They would lead the other planes into combat and mark the target for the others to bomb. It would greatly improve their bombing results. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Mar. 26, 1944 – 1780 – Bomb Mission 9 – Pas De Calias Read More »