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Mar. 7, 1944 – 1600 – WF

Mar. 7, 1944          1600          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to the folks he has slipped again in his writing for the same reasons; hearing from them and Margaret regularly – been getting his ‘Journals’, is fine as usual -taking it easy (hot shower and dinner); now catching up on correspondence; not as cold – never seen a hot day there; has more money than he needs – will send some home to add to his bank account; asks about Cliff who doesn’t write much; and closes.

Mar. 7, 1944 – 1600 – WF Read More »

Mar. 4, 1944 – 1570 – CF

Mar. 4, 1944                     1570      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford tells the Folks he got a letter from them today and yes, he has been hearing from them often and likes it; not much to write about from there; don’t worry, when he moves it will still be in the States; today, it’s a nice, beautiful day there but when the weather is bad it’s the worst.

Mar. 4, 1944 – 1570 – CF Read More »

Mar. 3, 1944* Approx. – 1560 – CF

Mar. 3, 1944 (aprox)                      1560      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford tells the Folks he had a pretty good time on his pass last week; asks about the post office; says it’s another rainy day; was on guard again last night; won’t be there much longer; asks what his dad thinks of the Barkley-Roosevelt feud; thinks the war will be over soon; and signs off telling them not to worry about him.

Mar. 3, 1944* Approx. – 1560 – CF Read More »

Mar. 1, 1944 (2) – 1550 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written by Winfred on Mar. 1, 1944; one to the Folks, and one to his sister Margaret. Mar. 1, 1944 (2)               1550      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret it’s cold there and plenty busy; he went to Cambridge on a two-day pass and took in all the “pubs”, a couple of shows, and a church service; it’s 2 in the afternoon and he is trying to catch up on his writing; paper is scarce; and had to pause for 3 hours because his C. O. (Commanding Officer) needed something done. He just received a V-mail from Cousin Irma and will give her another lesson on the happy life of a sad sack soon.

Mar. 1, 1944 (2) – 1550 – WM Read More »

Mar. 1, 1944 (1) – 1540 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written by Winfred on Mar. 1, 1944; one to the Folks, and one to his sister Margaret. Mar. 1, 1944 (1)               1540      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells the Folks he has been on a 48-hour pass and been plenty busy; enjoyed being away from camp and time to relax; hearing from home regularly lately; talks about the size of packages they can send; Margaret writes often; and had a nice visit to Cambridge where he attended the Wesley Methodist church.

Mar. 1, 1944 (1) – 1540 – WF Read More »

Feb. 28, 1944 – 1530 – CF

Feb. 28, 1944                    1530      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford promises the Folks he will write more often; has been eating out of Mess Kits; guesses Winfred is giving the Nazis heck; comments on Winfred’s censor’s comment; hopes for a few pics – Winfred & crew, Patsy Ann, & Mom – Dad – Patsy together (like the other soldiers have).

Feb. 28, 1944 – 1530 – CF Read More »

Feb. 25, 1944(2) – 1520 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to the journal entry made on Feb. 25, 1944, Winfred wrote a letter home to the Folks. No mention was made of the bombing mission he was on that morning. Clifford also sent home a letter. Feb. 25, 1944 (2)                             1520      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford scribbles a letter home after receiving his vaccine to prevent yellow fever; hasn’t heard from them for a few days; has a cold; comments on the F.D.R/Barkley feud; had chicken today; asks if Margaret has visited lately – she doesn’t write often; still waiting to be shipped out – probably to California; asks about his friends – Bob Merrill and Rolla; and promise to write his sister Patsy Ann.

Feb. 25, 1944(2) – 1520 – CF Read More »

Feb. 25, 1944(1) – 1510 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to the journal entry made on Feb. 25, 1944, Winfred wrote a letter home to the Folks. No mention was made of the bombing mission he was on that morning. Clifford also sent home a letter. Feb. 25, 1944 (1)              1510      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks. He says everything is still O.K. – feeling fine – his cold doesn’t stop him; just finished dinner and has 12 letters to write; hears from Cliff often and thinks he is O.K. not wanting to move; was chopping a little wood this morning because they are out of coke (fuel) for the heating stove; asks about Irondale and if any of the ‘boys’ have been home; is anxious about the picture; has a pass coming and will get to see England; there’s always a big argument going on in the barracks; and hopes all are well.

Feb. 25, 1944(1) – 1510 – WF Read More »