Maxwell's Letters Home

Mar. 28, 1944 – 1790 – CP

Mar. 28, 1944          1790          CP          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford scribbles a few lines to Patsy Ann his little sister. Asks about school; tells her she can’t be as smart as he was but she can still be the best; asks about her boyfriend(s) and tells her she should have at least three; tells her to wash behind the ears, wear a lot of lipstick, and use a lot of powder.

Mar. 28, 1944 – 1790 – CP Read More »

Mar. 26, 1944 – 1780 – Bomb Mission 9 – Pas De Calias

MAR. 26, 1944     1780     BOMBER JOURNAL     MISSION 9 – PAS DE CALIAS EDITOR’S NOTE: This was the last mission Winfred and his crew flew with the 435rd Bomb Group; the group they had trained with in the States, transferred with to England, and flew with for their first nine missions. They are being transferred to the 389th Bomb Group (Still in the 2nd Bomb Wing and 2nd Air Division of the 8th Air Force). The 389th B.G. is based nearby at Station #114 – Hethel, England. They are being transferred to be trained to join the PathFinder Force (PFF). Pathfinders used a new type of microwave radar (first developed by the British) that could locate targets on the ground through the clouds. They would lead the other planes into combat and mark the target for the others to bomb. It would greatly improve their bombing results. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Mar. 26, 1944 – 1780 – Bomb Mission 9 – Pas De Calias Read More »

Mar. 25, 1944 – 1770 – WM

Mar. 25, 1944          1770          WM          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred pesters Margaret with another letter; sure enjoys the letters and clippings she sends; is a swell day there – like a spring day in MO.; heard from Clifford’s girl Lou who is swell – sent candy and writes an interesting letter; comments on the basketball whiz Jonny Reagan from a clipping; Likes the American version of the news – it tells what he is doing; and closes to get some sack time.

Mar. 25, 1944 – 1770 – WM Read More »

Mar. 24, 1944 – 1760 – WF

 Mar. 24, 1944          1760          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells the Folks Margaret sent some news clippings – one talks about Johnny Reagan in a Basketball Tourney in MO.; also heard from Clifford’s girlfriend Mary Lou – she’s nice and sent some candy; is still getting along fine; and closes.

Mar. 24, 1944 – 1760 – WF Read More »

Mar. 23, 1944 – 1740 – WF

Add Your Heading Text Here Mar. 23, 1944          1740          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred informs the Folks his A.P.O. (Army Post Office) has changed to 558; has a little free time on a sunny morn; asks about home – the Post Office and his little sister Patsy; is as usual – living from one pass to the next, much too busy; mail is scarce but all comes at once; his co-pilot from Boston wants one of the crew pictures too; Margaret writes often and sends newspaper clippings; but must stop now to write others.

Mar. 23, 1944 – 1740 – WF Read More »

Mar. 21, 1944 (2) – 1730 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on March 21, 1944; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Mar. 21, 1944 (2)          1730          WM          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred answers Margaret’s V-mail received today; is as usual – good health and frame of mind as can be expected; tells her not to get down because of her job – tough all over; mom has enlargements of his crew picture and is sending him one; anxious to be back in the States; is a nice sunny day there; asks about Erma and the opera stuff will continue his series of lectures to her when he gets some spare time; and must go to the mess hall now.

Mar. 21, 1944 (2) – 1730 – WM Read More »

Mar. 21, 1944 (1) – 1720 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on March 21, 1944; one to the Folks and the other to his sister Margaret. Mar. 21, 1944 (1)          1720          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred answers the V-mail from the Folks and Margaret; is glad they got the photo enlargements and are sending them right away; is as usual – anxious to get back to the States; Cliff seems more himself – wanting to be transferred; all his crew is still together; and must stop to write Margaret.

Mar. 21, 1944 (1) – 1720 – WF Read More »