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May 18, 1944 – 1990 – WM

May 18, 1944          1990          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred asks Margaret about the St. Louis people; has just returned from an enjoyable trip to London; imagines her and the Dickey girls have a swell time together; tells her he got promoted to tech sergeant and can use the extra money; must close and write home.

May 18, 1944 – 1990 – WM Read More »

May 14, 1944 – 1980 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: It has been almost six weeks since Winfred sent a letter to his Folks. It is possible a letter might be missing, or . . . he at one time said that he could not think of home while he was over there for fear of ‘losing it’ like many of the other soldiers he had seen. May 14, 1944          1980          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks after several days but has been busy; he has a much-welcomed pass coming up; is still O.K. – feels fine; guesses Cliff who is now in Texas has outgrown him; has been promoted to Tech Sergeant; and must close.

May 14, 1944 – 1980 – WF Read More »

May 6, 1944 – 1930 – WM

May 6, 1944          1930          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York, N.Y. Winfred writes he has nothing important to write about but writes Margaret anyway; has been getting the clippings; Clifford expresses himself bluntly – the army has added to his obscene vocabulary; and closes to write home.

May 6, 1944 – 1930 – WM Read More »

May 3, 1944 – 1920 – WM

May 3, 1944          1920          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York, N.Y. Winfred writes Margaret he’s caught up on sack time; it’s sunny and warm there; – reminds him of Missouri and the old swimming hole; saw Frank Sinatra in ‘Higher and Higher’; Bob Dickey is over there now and he would like to look him up; asks about how Cousin Joyce is getting along in St. Louis and says to say hello to all the Dickeys; can’t find salt & pepper shakers for Aunt Anna; and he got a V-mail from Clifford.

May 3, 1944 – 1920 – WM Read More »

Apr. 27, 1944 – 1910 – WM

Apr. 27, 1944      1910     WM       Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret he has missed writing due to a 48-hour pass; he got 2 letters + clippings from her today; he’s with the same crew, PFF now, just a different place he’s beginning to like – more to do; his scribbling is worse because the 2-day pass does something to his ‘nerves’; and closes mentioning he has received the Air Medal and some Oak Leave Clusters.

Apr. 27, 1944 – 1910 – WM Read More »