Maxwell's Letters Home

May 28, 1944 – 2080 – WM

May 28, 1944          2080          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret it’s a nice sunny Sunday morning and he has nothing he has to do until this afternoon; he’s getting along pretty well but been pretty busy the last few days; asks how she is doing and if she is at church; asks if she has heard from their brother who doesn’t write much anymore; he has earned the Air Medal and three Oak Leaf clusters and is going to send them home; asks about the Dickey family; is still on the lookout for salt & pepper shakers for Aunt Maude – forgets to look when on a pass;  closes to write mom.

May 28, 1944 – 2080 – WM Read More »

May 24, 1944 (2) – 2050 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were sent home by Winfred today; one to his Folks, and one to his sister, Margaret. May 24, 1944 (2)         2050          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells Margaret he has been doing a better job writing her the past few days; has been hearing from her often and enjoys the clippings she sends – he can read all about himself; the crews been taking some pictures and he will send her some; it’s a nice day to play some softball; asks if Joyce has found a job, or a man yet – shortage of men at home and women over there; the ‘boss’(their pilot – A.P. Tolley) just came in so he’ll be occupied the next several hours in a game of ball; tell all the Dickeys “Hello”.

May 24, 1944 (2) – 2050 – WM Read More »

May 24, 1944(1) – 2040 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were sent home by Winfred today; one to his Folks, and one to his sister, Margaret. This is the only letter home that Winfred addresses to both his parents Mr. + Mrs. Guy D. Maxwell. May 24, 1944 (1)         2040          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Once again Winfred writes the Folks; the service men’s radio broadcasts are pretty good over there – Melody Roundup; Margaret sends clippings connected to him; England is a beautiful place but rains a lot; they play games – football, basketball, etc. – a lot; hasn’t heard from Cliff for some time; can see him drilling in the Texas dust; and must close now.

May 24, 1944(1) – 2040 – WF Read More »

May 22, 1944 – 2030 – WF

May 22, 1944          2030          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred scribbles a few lines to the Folks; is O.K. – as happy as anyone in the E.T.O.; received the package yesterday they sent – thanks for the picture and candy; haven’t received letters for a couple days; mail service is much better; asks if they have heard from any of the Irondale boys; won’t get home for a while – has things to do; Toppy? Has joined the Navy; must close now.

May 22, 1944 – 2030 – WF Read More »

May 21, 1944 – 2020 – WF

May 21, 1944          2020          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred gets in a few lines to the Folks; hasn’t had time to write; is feeling well; hasn’t seen Jr. Maxwell; is hearing from everyone; is hearing from his ex – Lois and is hooked again; closes saying he will write more when he can find something to write about.

May 21, 1944 – 2020 – WF Read More »