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Feb. 1, 1943 0050 WM PC4

Feb. 1, 1943                      0050      WM       Clearwater, FL                  POSTCARD 4 Winfred sends a postcard to Margaret saying he’ll be on the move again to somewhere. He’ll let her know when he gets there.  Just feels lucky to get out of basic training early. This is the last postcard sent by Winfred from Basic Training in Clearwater, FL.

Feb. 1, 1943 0050 WM PC4 Read More »

Jan. 26, 1943 0040 WF PC 3

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the third postcard Winfred sent home to the Folks.    Jan. 26, 1943                     0040      WF         Clearwater, FL                  POSTCARD 3 Winfred sends a postcard to the folks.  He is about over his cold and drills every day.

Jan. 26, 1943 0040 WF PC 3 Read More »

Jan. 23, 1943 0020 WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: This first/oldest letter in the collection was sent to Winfred’s 24-year-old sister Margaret who was working in St. Louis, MO. and living with her Aunt and Uncle. Jan. 23, 1943                     0020      WM       Clearwater, FL Winfred writes his sister Margaret. He has had a sore throat and cold since he got there (FL); everybody does. He is writing on his knee because he can’t get a table.  He can drill and exercise all day now. He can lie on his back and hold his feet 10 inches off the ground for a hundred count.

Jan. 23, 1943 0020 WM Read More »

Jan. 19, 1943 0010 WF PC 1

EDITOR’S NOTE: The postcard below may not be the first letter Winfred sent home after his enlistment, but it is the oldest found in the box of letters. For Basic Training, Winfred moved from his enlistment site at Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO, to the A.A.F.T.T.C. (Army Air Force Technical Training Command) in Clearwater, FL. Jan. 19, 1943     0010                     WF         Clearwater, FL                  POSTCARD 1 Winfred doesn’t have much time but writes to thank his Folks for the money and paper they had sent.  It will come in handy as he is almost broke.  It is almost time to eat so he will quit until later.  

Jan. 19, 1943 0010 WF PC 1 Read More »