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Mar. 8, 1943 0150 WM

Mar. 7, 1943                      0150      WM       AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred thanks Margaret for the candy; asks about her work; and has heard Cliff goes in on the ninth. He stood inspection in the subzero weather; struggles in code & theory; and built his first working radio. They are out of envelopes in the camp; he was ‘arrested’ yesterday and put on K.P. (Kitchen Patrol). EDITOR’S NOTE: Today, March 9, 1943 is the day that that Clifford S. Maxwell enlisted into the United States Army at Jefferson Barracks, MO.

Mar. 8, 1943 0150 WM Read More »

Mar. 3, 1943 0140 WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first letter Winfred wrote to his younger sister Patsy Ann. She was 9 years old at that time. Mar. 3, 1943                      0140      WP         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred asks Patsy about school and comments on the weather. He writes from his bunk and has heard from a friend in Alaska. He asks if Clifford is still at home, or in the army.  Wants her to tell mom a bunch of his class has shipped out. Asks about her cat Dot and will send her a picture of him in his uniform.

Mar. 3, 1943 0140 WM Read More »

Mar. 2, 1943 0130 WF

Mar. 2, 1943                      0130      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred writes the Folks that he has been making progress in code but struggles in theory. He got a picture of his girl – Lois – today and wonders how he rates her. He got paid yesterday and may send some home. He has heard from his friends – Bob M., Stack, and Monk.

Mar. 2, 1943 0130 WF Read More »

Feb. 26, 1943 0120 WF

Feb. 26, 1943                    0120      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred writes the Folks complaining about the camp; they had a ‘jam’ session in the barracks last night listening to the radio and ‘jitterbugging‘; he got a letter from cousin Joyce (Dickey) and comments on her younger sister Erma; Margaret is pretty busy working; he asks about Clifford, his friends and his dad’s job at the post office.

Feb. 26, 1943 0120 WF Read More »

Feb. 24, 1943 0110 WM

Feb. 24, 1943                    0110      WM       AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred writes Margaret; letters have been scarce; he describes camp conditions, school work, missing friends, and the need for sweets. He is still wooin’ Lois and hasn’t looked at any other girl (There aren’t any there!) He misses Missouri and no one even mentions it there!

Feb. 24, 1943 0110 WM Read More »

Feb. 21, 1943 0100 BMC

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the second letter from Bob Merrill to Clifford in response to a letter received by Bob from Clifford. Feb. 21, 1943                    0100      BMC      San Diego, CA Bob (Merrill) replies to a comment Clifford made about his niece; asks about the weather; shares that he has been swimming and has a great tan (He’s in Southern CA); asks about the Irondale pool room; leaves for the rifle range next week; still likes it pretty well; drills like hell!; been getting shots; bunks in a cabin near the movie actor Tyrone Powers; asks about how Cliff and Pat are getting along; tells Cliff to take care of the girls BUT to lay off his!

Feb. 21, 1943 0100 BMC Read More »

Feb. 18, 1943 (2) 0090 BMC

EDITOR”S NOTE: The letter below is the first of a few, sent to Clifford, Winfred’s younger brother, from his best friend Bob Merrill.  Bob went to IHS and was a first cousin to Clifford’s then girlfriend Patsy Merrill, younger sister of Daisy Merrill. He was also a friend of Winfred. Bob served in the Marines.  You will come to see he was a very expressive writer. Feb. 18, 1943 (2)              0090      BMC      San Diego, CA Bob Merrill (Clifford and Winfred’s friend from Irondale) writes to FIZZ (Clifford).  Hopes the letter gets to him before the army does. The marines keep him busy. He asks about Irondale and how Clifford is getting along was Bob’s cousin Pat Merrill.  Life is not bad, gaining weight and getting stronger, paper is scarce, staying in camp for 8 weeks then school someplace, probably Philly to do shoe repair. He needs Winfred’s address.

Feb. 18, 1943 (2) 0090 BMC Read More »

Feb. 18, 1943 (1) 0080 WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written and sent home on February 18, 1943; one by Winfred to the Folks and one by Bob Merrill to Clifford. Feb. 18, 1943 (1)              0080      WM       ARMY TECHNICAL SCHOOL A. A. F. T. T. C./SIOUX FALLS, SD Winfred writes to his sister, Margaret. He comments on their younger cousin Erma (Irma Dickey); guesses their brother Clifford will like the army; mentions the names of several of their friends from Irondale and where they are currently posted; hears daily from his girl – Lois; will try to get his picture taken today and will send some ‘mills’ to their little cousin Eddie.

Feb. 18, 1943 (1) 0080 WM Read More »

Feb. 17, 1943 0070 WF

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Th1s letter is dated Feb. 18, 1943 but the postmark on the envelope was Feb. 17, 1943.   Feb. 17, 1943                    0070      WF         AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD (letter dated 2/18/43 but postmark is 2/17/43) Winfred asks the folks how things are in Irondale; he’s got his glasses. Says it’s nice there in SD – a littlle above zero!  Asks if his brother Clifford is in the army yet. Says he’s getting into the swing of things there now. Hasn’t passed his eight-word test yet. Chokes on the tests but still has a 90% average.  Received a letter from his Uncle Cleo and Aunt Bertha. Asks about the post office business. Has detail and needs to study for a test in theory. CLICK HERE to see lots of good pics of the base and town where Winfred attended Radio School.  The pics are from a 1943 class/yearbook from a class that attended the AAFTS in Sioux Falls, SD after Winfred’s. EDITOR’S NOTE: This was the first letter sent home from his new base in Sioux Falls, SD where he began his radio operator training.

Feb. 17, 1943 0070 WF Read More »

Feb. 5, 1943 0060 WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: The letter below was the first sent home by Winfred from his new base in Sioux Falls, S.D. where he began training to be radio operator.   Feb. 5, 1943                      0060      WM       AAFTS/ Sioux Falls, SD Winfred writes Margaret that he went from hot FL to ice covered SD in three days.  Went through Irondale at night. He likes the new camp; better food, no K.P. or guard, can sleep until 7:00.  He is going to radio mechanics school. The course should last 18-20 weeks. Afterwards, another camp or across.  Some will fly, the others will be on the ground. No chance for a furlough while they are there.  Asks about her work and their brother Clifford. Comments that is hard to work your way up in the air corps.  Brags about all the travelling he has done already.

Feb. 5, 1943 0060 WM Read More »