Maxwell's Letters Home

Sep. 29, 1943 (3) – 0550 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters and a postcard were mailed/postmarked home to the Folks from the boys on September 29, 1943; one letter and one postcard from Winfred, and one letter from Clifford. Sep. 29, 1943 (3)             0550      CF           Pocatello, ID      defines H-D-P-S Clifford is on the switchboard. He explains to the Folks what H-D-P-S means and why he is irritable.  (This is the third letter sent home on Sept. 29, 1943 by the boys.)

Sep. 29, 1943 (3) – 0550 – CF Read More »

Sep. 29, 1943 (2) – 0540 – WF – PC7

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters and a postcard were mailed/postmarked home to the Folks from the boys on September 29, 1943; one letter and one postcard from Winfred, and one letter from Clifford. Sep. 29, 1943 (2)             0540      WF         Pocatello, ID      post card             moving Winfred sent a postcard to G.D. Maxwell (Folks). Will give his new address soon. Return address used was PFC. W.G. MAXWELL 382nd BOMB GP. POCATELLO IDAHO.  (This was the second letter sent home by Winfred on Sept. 29, 1943, based on postmark.)

Sep. 29, 1943 (2) – 0540 – WF – PC7 Read More »

Sep. 29, 1943 (1) – 0530 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Based on the content of the next few letters, it appears that Winfred may have had a week long furlough Tuesday September 21 – 28, 1943 (approximately). He DID NOT get to go home though! EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters and a postcard were mailed/postmarked home to the Folks from the boys on September 29, 1943; one letter and one postcard from Winfred, and one letter from Clifford. Sep. 29, 1943 (1)             0530      WF         Pocatello, ID      Switch from 2nd to 4th AAF Winfred and his crew have finished Phase I of their training at Gowen Field.  He is in Pocatello, Idaho for a couple of days before they are transferred to a base somewhere in California.  The crew has been transferred from the 2nd to the 4th Army Air Force.  Winfred had a short furlough and is really missing his ‘woman’ – Lois.  (This is the first of three letters the folks received from the boys on September 29, 1943.)

Sep. 29, 1943 (1) – 0530 – WF Read More »

Sep. 15, 1943 (4) – 0520 – BMFz

EDITOR’S NOTE: On September 15, 1943, four letters arrived home – Two were from Winfred, one to the folks and one to Margaret; the third was from Clifford to his folks; and the fourth was to come to FIZZ, via his folks, from Bob Merrill (Clifford’s best friend). Spoiler alert! – Bob’s letter is pretty funny. It gives a great description of small-town life in Irondale, MO. during the war from a visiting G.I.s perspective. Sep. 15, 1943 (4)             0520           BMFz             Metropolis of Irondale story Bob Merrill, Clifford’s best friend, describes life in Irondale, MO. during his recent furlough home.  His description of the smalltown of Irondale would make Andy Griffith proud.     (Letter 4 of 4 – Sept. 15, 1943)

Sep. 15, 1943 (4) – 0520 – BMFz Read More »

Sep. 15, 1943 (3) – 0510 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: On September 15, 1943, four letters arrived home – Two were from Winfred, one to the folks and one to Margaret; the third was from Clifford to his folks; and the fourth was to come to FIZZ, via his folks, from Bob Merrill (Clifford’s best friend). Sep. 15, 1943 (3)             0510      CF           Fort Worden, WA           Clifford likes Communications, worries about Italy, met someone from Flat River, and saw ‘This is the Army’, and needs to clean his rifle.  (Letter 3 of 4 – Sept. 15, 1943)

Sep. 15, 1943 (3) – 0510 – CF Read More »

Sep. 15, 1943 (2) – 0500 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: On September 15, 1943, four letters arrived home – Two were from Winfred, one to the folks and one to Margaret; the third was from Clifford to his folks; and the fourth was to come to FIZZ, via his folks, from Bob Merrill (Clifford’s best friend). Sep. 15, 1943 (2)             0500      WM       Gowen Field, ID               seen a few crashes Winfred thanks Margaret for the candy; flies 5 to 10 hours daily and is attending 3 schools at the same time. Landings and takeoffs are nerve racking after having seen a few crashes there. He hopes to leave soon and get his flight pay today.    (Letter 2 of 4 – Sept. 15, 1943)

Sep. 15, 1943 (2) – 0500 – WM Read More »

Sep. 15, 1943 (1) – 0490 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: On September 15, 1943, four letters arrived home – Two were from Winfred, one to the folks and one to Margaret; the third was from Clifford to his folks; and the fourth was to come to FIZZ, via his folks, from Bob Merrill (Clifford’s best friend). Sep. 15, 1943 (1)             0490      WF        Gowen Field, ID               has 90 hrs           Winfred’s been flying a lot, and it’s no cinch. He’s got 90 hours and most leave there with half that.  (Letter 1 of 4 – Sept. 15, 1943)

Sep. 15, 1943 (1) – 0490 – WF Read More »

Sep. 8, 1943 – 0480 – CF

Sep. 8, 1943                      0480      CF           Fort Worden, WA            been on maneuvers Clifford tells the Folks he has been on maneuvers, has changed from radar to communications and will write more often from now on.

Sep. 8, 1943 – 0480 – CF Read More »

Sep. 3, 1943 – 0470 – WF

Sep. 3, 1943                      0470      WF         Gowen Field, ID               got into it w/ a sergeant Winfred’s tells the Folks his crew still needs a navigator. The Radio Operator job is the toughest, except for the pilot.  He got into it with a sergeant.

Sep. 3, 1943 – 0470 – WF Read More »