1945 The year begins with Clifford and his 768th Field Artillery Battalion attached to the 30th FA Group stationed in Swanage, England awaiting deployment to the fight going on in France and Western Europe. France has been liberated, and the Allies have advanced near the German border. The Germans have mounted a major offensive to counter the Allies advance. This Battle of the Bulge will be the costliest battle of the war for the Americans. U.S. forces will suffer 100,000 casualties including 23,000 missing and over 19,000 killed. The battle lasted from December 16, 1944 until January 25, 1945. Winfred, having returned from his time serving in Europe, is still finishing up advanced radio training/navigation at R.A.A.B. (Reno Army Air Base) near Reno, Nevada. He awaits his assignment to the Air Transport Command where it appears he will be headed to the Pacific. EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first letter/V-mail sent home by Clifford in 1945. Jan. 1, 1945 2490 CF Swanage, England Clifford tells the Folks in a V-mail he is behind in his correspondence again; had turkey for Christmas and New Years; heard that his cousin James will be getting married soon; and needs them to send him a watch – right away.