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Jul. 24, 1944(1) – 2290 – WF

Jul. 24, 1944(1)          2290          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks he has done poor in writing because there is nothing he can write about just the same old routine; would love to be home for a while; heard from his friends Bob Dickey – who is down and in France; and from Monk – who is a gunnery instructor in Idaho; and guesses they enjoyed Cliff and Margaret’s visit.

Jul. 24, 1944(1) – 2290 – WF Read More »

Jul. 16, 1944 – 2280 – WF

Jul. 16, 1944          2280          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to the Folks a short letter because there is nothing to write about. He’s getting along well and doing no more than he has too. Still don’t know when he’ll leave England; Mail is scarce – none then past 3 days; must close to write his women – Lois Brennecke.

Jul. 16, 1944 – 2280 – WF Read More »

July 10, 1944(2) – 2270 – WM

Jul. 10, 1944          2270          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes his sister Margaret; asks why he received only one letter today (it was from her but only contained newspaper clippings); asks about her and cousin Joyce and their swimming lessons; says he feels a lot better – you can tell because his sarcasm is coming back + he is gaining weight; asks if she saw their brother Cliff while he was home; is glad she can get back home to see the Folks; goes into detail about how there was never a dull moment at home when they were young; wonders how things could have changed “so dam much?”; doesn’t know how much longer he will be over there but it has already been too long. This is his last piece of paper so he will try to write more next time

July 10, 1944(2) – 2270 – WM Read More »

July 10, 1944(1) – 2260 – Bomb Mission FINAL NOTES

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below are the final notes Winfred wrote in his journal two weeks after all of his missions were completed. Winfred’s Bomber Journal – FINAL NOTES EDITOR’S NOTE: July 10, 1944 (two weeks after their last mission) the crew of the ‘Hoo Jive’ was broken up having completed their final bombing mission on June 25, 1944. A year ago, in July 1943, this group of strangers, from across the country, came together for the first time at Gowen Field in Idaho. There they were carefully formed into a team and began Phase I of their training to become a bomber crew. Once Phase 1 was completed, it was determined that their Bomber Group, the 453rd, would go to March Field in California at the end of October for Phase 2 and 3 of their training. There they learned the skills they would need to fly into combat, bomb the desired target, and return home safely. After completing their training in December, they picked up their new B-24H at Hamilton Field, flew across the country to Florida, and then on to England via the Southern Route. Arriving in England at the end of 1943, they quickly joined up with the rest of the 453rd Bomb Group at Old Buckenham Air Base. They quickly settled in and spent the next six weeks preparing for their first combat mission. Beginning in February 1944, they would complete their first nine missions with the 453rd Bomb Group. Then, selected to become a Pathfinder crew, they transferred to the 389th Bomb Group at Hethel Air Base. They finished their last twenty missions, often as a lead plane for the 8th Army Air Force. They flew two missions on D-Day and flew two more after the invasion. Having spent an entire year living, training, and working together, they had become quite close. They had succeeded, overcame almost impossible odds, and survived. Together their mission was completed. The crew’s war was over. But, the real war waged on. The big question now – – – What’s next? CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FIRST BOMBING MISSION

July 10, 1944(1) – 2260 – Bomb Mission FINAL NOTES Read More »

July 8, 1944 – 2250 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is Winfred’s first letter to his sister Margaret since completing his last combat mission on June 25th. He has been to London and done some celebrating. Jul. 8, 1944          2250          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to Margaret after a longtime – “a lot has been happening.” He’s one lucky boy; just finished one job and now on another; been on a furlough in London; is glad Clifford got his furlough – wonders if he will go overseas soon; says it is a hot day there probably like St. Louis -where he would rather be; don’t know how long he will be there – pretty tired of England & has some things to do back home.

July 8, 1944 – 2250 – WM Read More »

Jun 26, 1944 – 2240 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is Winfred’s first letter home since completing his final mission. Jun. 26, 1944          2240          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred tells the Folks he is a very happy + lucky fellow (he has another pass); and says “you don’t have to do anymore worrying about me now as I’ve accomplished what I came for”; taking things easy starting today. Apologizes for not writing for several days; asks they tell Margaret he will write to her soon – he’s been busy; expresses how relieved is now; guesses he’s “about the most lucky fellow in the E.T.O.”; has an Air Medal + 3 clusters and is recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross – will send them home when he can; and closes to get ready to go to town and do a little celebrating.

Jun 26, 1944 – 2240 – WF Read More »

June 25, 1944 – 2230 – BM 29 FINAL MISSION

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is Winfred’s 29th and FINAL MISSION. JUNE 25, 1944     2230     BOMBER JOURNAL  MISSION 29 (442/145) – Paris, France (Buc) 8th AAF   389th BG   PFF   564th BS EDITOR’S NOTE: Winfred’s war is now over. He has “accomplished what he came for.” But, the real war continues. So, as he says,” Now what?” CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FINAL BOMBING MISSION NOTES

June 25, 1944 – 2230 – BM 29 FINAL MISSION Read More »

June 23, 1944 – 2220 – WF

Jun. 23, 1944          2220          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to the Folks. He has been on a pass to London so couldn’t get much writing done; it was a welcomed pass – had a nice time, relaxation did him some good; heard from Cliff today (first time for a long time) Cliff had to do Basic training again and might get a furlough soon; Winf. felt kind of sorry for him – Cliff’s likely to go someplace soon; and closes to write more letters.

June 23, 1944 – 2220 – WF Read More »

Jun. 18, 1944 – 2210 – BM 28 – HAMBURG, GERMANY

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is Winfred’s first mission since D-Day – June 6th – twelve days ago. On this mission to Hamburg, the main targets were to be oil refineries, but the weather was poor which forced the use of PFF bombing on Targets of Opportunity. JUNE 18, 1944     2210     BOMBER JOURNAL  MISSION 28 (421/135) – HAMBURG, GERMANY 8th AAF   389th BG   PFF   564th BS CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Jun. 18, 1944 – 2210 – BM 28 – HAMBURG, GERMANY Read More »

Jun. 15, 1944 – 2200 – CF

Jun. 15, 1944          2200          CF          Camp Barkeley, Texas Clifford scribbles a ditty to the Folks before hitting the sack. He is getting along okay but a little run down; is off Fire Direction due to his eyes – back to Communications; is too lazy to be a sergeant; is desperate they send money soon; was sick all morning from something he ate; has forgotten about presents this year; Lois enjoys a book of poems; got a letter from Winfred today from before the invasion; tells them not to worry about Winfred too much, he’s quite a man; and hopes to see them soon.

Jun. 15, 1944 – 2200 – CF Read More »