Maxwell's Letters Home

Oct. 20, 1943 (1) – 0650 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on October 20, 1943; one to the Folks and one to Margaret. Oct. 20, 1943(1)               0650      WF         March Field, CA Winfred should finish up with the dentist this morning, has been reading about “aerial gunners”, says winter is pretty cool there, is as busy as ever, says “listening to static from 2 or 3 stations constantly for four or five hours will drive you ‘wacky’ – no time to look at the scenery.

Oct. 20, 1943 (1) – 0650 – WF Read More »

Oct. 18, 1943 – 0640 – WF

Oct. 18, 1943                    0640      WF         March Field, CA Winfred has been flying a lot lately, no time to sleep. He had 2 teeth filled and 3 more to go. He is going on an early morning bombing mission (practice) tomorrow. He still does not have any strips (not a sergeant yet).

Oct. 18, 1943 – 0640 – WF Read More »

Oct. 14, 1943 – 0620 – WF

Oct.14, 1943                     0620      WF         March Field        Winfred is okay but busy every hour getting ready to go overseas. They have been flying cross country hops. He has finally been to the dentist again. He cannot be sent over until his teeth get fixed. He has been down on the world lately.

Oct. 14, 1943 – 0620 – WF Read More »

Oct. 14, 1943 – 0610 – WM

Oct. 10, 1943          0610      WM         March Field Winfred lets Margaret know he is still here at a nice place with a swell climate; is kept busy to keep in shape for first of December; It’s his day off – planned to go to LA but is sick; going to see ‘Thank Your Lucky Stars’; is flying 12 hours tomorrow; encloses a funny letter from Bob Dickey; and closes.

Oct. 14, 1943 – 0610 – WM Read More »

Oct. 9, 1943 – 0600 – WF

Oct. 9, 1943                      0600      WF         March Field        world series Winfred tells the Folks he did not go to L.A. today because of his cold; has Sundays off for the first time in a while; will fly 12 hours Monday – gets a little tougher each time; asks about his brother; and has been listening to the world series.

Oct. 9, 1943 – 0600 – WF Read More »

Oct. 8, 1943 – 0590 – WF

Add Your Heading Text Here Oct. 8, 1943                      0590      WF         March Field  Winfred writes the Folks that he is flying about 800 miles each day and going to school; hears they will get a 10-day furlough before going overseas; and asks about Clifford.

Oct. 8, 1943 – 0590 – WF Read More »

Oct. 4, 1943 – 0580 – WF

Oct. 4, 1943                       0580      WF         March Field Winfred writes the Folks that he will be really busy for the next 60 days; they have old planes and won’t get the new one until the 15th; guesses those few days he had at home was his overseas furlough; hears lots of rumors; describes the base – it’s HOT!; and plans on seeing Los Angeles.

Oct. 4, 1943 – 0580 – WF Read More »

Oct. 2, 1943 (2) – 0570 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home to the Folks on October 2, 1943, one from each of the boys. Oct. 2,1943 (2)                 0570      WF         March Field, CA Begin Phase 2 & 3          Bombardment Training Program Winfred is now in California (March Field) for 2nd and 3rd phase training (about 60 days) before going over; it’s a nice camp but going to be busy.

Oct. 2, 1943 (2) – 0570 – WF Read More »

Oct. 2, 1943 (1) – 0560 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home to the Folks on October 2, 1943, one from each of the boys. Oct. 2, 1943 (1)                0560      CF           Pocatello, ID      inspected by a 3-star gen. Clifford is more satisfied now, everyone is considered General Service, he feels he will be transferred soon, his Army Artillery Battery has been cut in manpower, they were inspected by a three-star general, his furlough is set for November.

Oct. 2, 1943 (1) – 0560 – CF Read More »