Maxwell's Letters Home

Nov. 3, 1943 (2) – 0750 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written and sent home by Winfred on November 12, 1943; one to the Folks and one to his sister Margaret. Nov. 3, 1943 (2)               0750      WM       March Field, CA Winfred thanks Margaret for the candy; the whole crew shared it. He’s been flying 6-hour missions every day and sometimes two a day; trying to catch up on flying and aerial gunnery.  Also, doing some search missions because a radio operator did not report their location before going down. He no longer gets his daily letter from Lois.

Nov. 3, 1943 (2) – 0750 – WM Read More »

Nov. 3, 1943 (1) – 0740 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written and sent home by Winfred on November 12, 1943; one to the Folks and one to his sister Margaret. Nov. 3, 1943 (1)               0740      WF         March Field, CA Winfred writes to the folks. He has not received any mail for the past 4 or 5 days. He no longer gets a daily letter from his girl. They ‘ve been flying every day for a week; went on a search mission for a lost plane that went down; the radio operator did not tell them the location.  Went on a cross country hop; flew over Boulder Dam; next going on a practice gunnery mission over the Pacific; says he is pretty well set on going across soon.

Nov. 3, 1943 (1) – 0740 – WM Read More »

Oct. 31, 1943(2) – 0730 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written and sent home to the Folks on October 31, 1943; one by Winfred and one by Clifford. Oct. 31, 1943 (2)              0730      CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford is just getting off guard duty. He has been sick but will not go to the doctor and he hasn’t heard from Winfred in a while.

Oct. 31, 1943(2) – 0730 – CF Read More »

Oct. 31, 1943 (1) – 0720 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written and sent home to the Folks on October 31, 1943; one by Winfred and one by Clifford. Oct. 31, 1943 (1)              0720      WF         March Field, CA               No Env Winfred is over his cold now but is still busy. He thinks Clifford is on his way home now, but thinks he, himself, will not be getting off any time soon. Winfred begins Phase 3 training tomorrow. The pilot says he will get him a Sergeant rating. Winfred sez to say ‘hi’ to his brother, is going to get some chow, and has sent two letters home for his friends.

Oct. 31, 1943 (1) – 0720 – WF Read More »

Oct. 29, 1943 – 0710 – WF

Oct. 29, 1943                    0710      WF         March Field, CA               No Env Winfred apologizes to the folks for not writing much lately, he has been busy flying and going to school. He is getting better at his marksmanship. He thanks them for their financial aid, guesses that Cliff is at home now and wishes he could be there.

Oct. 29, 1943 – 0710 – WF Read More »

Oct. 26, 1943 – 0690 – CF

Oct. 26*, 1943                  0690      CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA               *Approximated date Clifford has been hearing from Winfred, is now nearer the army than home, is having a picnic, and going on relief. He has a letter from a friend fighting in Sicily.

Oct. 26, 1943 – 0690 – CF Read More »

Oct. 24, 1943 – 0680 – WF

Oct. 24, 1943                    0680      WF         March Field, CA Winfred writes his folks that he has been sick this past week but worked anyways because there are not enough radio operators. He does not know if he will get a furlough but could not afford it if he did.  But he wants to get home so bad that he might even steal the money to get there!

Oct. 24, 1943 – 0680 – WF Read More »

Oct. 22, 1943 – 0670 – CF

Add Your Heading Text Here Oct. 22, 1943                    0670      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford writes home he received the $30 and will be coming home in 2 or 3 weeks.  He’s been pulling a lot of guard duty and can’t keep on a pair of dry socks. He now must write his Lil’ woman.

Oct. 22, 1943 – 0670 – CF Read More »

Oct. 20, 1943 (2) – 0660 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written home by Winfred on October 20, 1943; one to the Folks and one to Margaret. Oct.20, 1943(2)                0660      WM       March Field, CA Winfred writes to his sister Margaret. He hasn’t much to say; still busy 12 to 16 hours each day; a furlough is not likely; and he heard from Clifford – Little Fizzer. He weighs 178 and thinks she has all the brains in the family.

Oct. 20, 1943 (2) – 0660 – WM Read More »