Maxwell's Letters Home

Jan. 18, 1944 – 1100 – WF

Jan. 18, 1944                     1100      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred answers the folks; hopes his cousin Joyce comes to England and brings some girlfriends; is doing fine and cannot complain; says Alvin E. is in the middle of things; comments on Patsy’s school smarts; and thanks, the Eichenberger’s for the nice Xmas card.

Jan. 18, 1944 – 1100 – WF Read More »

Jan. 17, 1944 – 1090 – WF

Jan. 17, 1944                     1090      WF         V-MAIL         Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred lets the folks know by V-MAIL he finally received a letter they sent him a month ago; has been too busy to write; has received Xmas cards; comments on a friend getting around; asks if Margaret has visited lately; is feeling fine and does not mind being there.

Jan. 17, 1944 – 1090 – WF Read More »

Jan. 14, 1944 – 1080 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first V-Mail Winfred sent to the Folks after he was stationed overseas. Jan. 14, 1944                     1080      WF         V-MAIL         Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred sends the Folks a V-Mail letter for the first time; asks about home; says he still hasn’t received any mail; is fine; has a slight cold; having a good time; never a dull moment – the crazy guys he is with argue every question; and he will try to write more often.

Jan. 14, 1944 – 1080 – WF Read More »

Jan. 12, 1944(2) – 1070 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first message Winfred sent home to his sister Margaret in 1944. Jan. 12, 1944 (2)              1070      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred asks Margaret about St. Louis and if she got home for Xmas. He is fine and had a good Xmas dinner; says England is not so bad. He asks about the old gang and wants them to write. He asks about the Dickey’s and Erma. Ends saying, he will do fine because he can ride a bicycle.

Jan. 12, 1944(2) – 1070 – WM Read More »

Jan. 12, 1944(1) – 1060 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were sent home by Winfred on Jan. 12, 1944; one to the Folks and one to his sister Margaret. Jan. 12, 1944 (1)                     1060      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred is getting along fine; has not heard from home in over a month; thinks England is ‘a pretty nice country’; asks about Clifford and Pat (Merrill); asks for the addresses of some old friends; wants to know if Margaret gets home and if they got the money he sent.

Jan. 12, 1944(1) – 1060 – WF Read More »

Jan. 8, 1944 – 1050 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first message Winfred sent home to his Folks in 1944. Jan. 8, 1944          1050          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks ‘after quite a while’ (10days). He is somewhere in England and is fine; he received a letter and some Xmas cards; would like some home town news; asks about ‘the old gang’ – he has lost their addresses; and says there isn’t much to write about.

Jan. 8, 1944 – 1050 – WF Read More »

Jan. 2, 1944 – Art 4 – Anatomy of a Bombing Mission

Article 4 – “Anatomy of a Bombing Mission ‘ EDITOR’S NOTE: Winfred and the 453rd Bombardment Group are now assembling at their new base – Station #144 (Old Buckenham) – in England. It will take about a month for the entire bomb group to complete the move. During this time, they are setting up the base, and becoming familiar with the actual procedures required to fit in and be ready for combat. Their first combat missions start in February. The article below is being provided at this time because there will be a week-long gap until the letters home resume, and it will help you to understand what is going on behind the scenes of the letters and journal entries over the next several months. Next week, the pace picks up. The article “Anatomy of a Bombing Mission” does an excellent job explaining everything that took place to put together one bombing mission. Written by Annette Tison in 2017, it features the 392nd Bomb Group (Winfred’s was the 453rd). A similar process would have been used by all of the bomb groups for all of their missions.  The article contains many photos and is well worth the read. You will really come to understand what a team effort it was to put together a mission from start to finish by all involved.

Jan. 2, 1944 – Art 4 – Anatomy of a Bombing Mission Read More »

Dec. 28, 1943 (1) – 1030 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two messages were written and sent home by Winfred on Dec. 28, 1943; one is a letter to the Folks and one is a cablegram to his sister Margaret. EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the last letter Winfred sent home to the Folks in 1943. Dec. 28, 1943          1030          WF          Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes he is doing fine but hated being away from home for Xmas. He still has not received any mail; doesn’t have much of a chance to write; asks about the Post Office Christmas rush with all the overseas letters; and closes because there is not much he can say.

Dec. 28, 1943 (1) – 1030 – WF Read More »

Dec. 27, 1943 – 1020 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the last letter Clifford sent home to the Folks in 1943. Dec. 27, 1943          PM          1020          CF          Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford wrote the Folks a couple of days ago but forgot to mail it. He wrote this letter Christmas night. They had a nice Christmas, but he wishes he could have been home. Margaret told him Winfred was still in the States. He couldn’t buy as many presents as he wanted too; hopes to get his glasses fixed; guesses Patsy Ann had a big time, and the post office rush is over; has plenty of writing to do so will make this short; is listening to the President’s speech; and got a special telegram greeting from F.D.R. etc.

Dec. 27, 1943 – 1020 – CF Read More »