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Feb. 25, 1944 – 1500 – Bomb Mission 4 – Gotha

EDITOR’S NOTE: Winfred’s fourth mission was the second mission for his crew during “Big Week”. It occurred on the last day of “Big Week” Feb. 25, 1944. FEB. 25, 1944                    1500                     BOMBER JOURNAL   MISSION 4 – GOTHA CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Feb. 25, 1944 – 1500 – Bomb Mission 4 – Gotha Read More »

Feb. 23, 1944(2) – 1490 – Norm to Guy – Comic & News

EDITOR’S NOTE: On Feb. 23, 1944, an envelope arrived for Guy D. Maxwell (Winfred’s dad) from his oldest brother, Norman A. Maxwell. The envelope contained six items – a letter to Norman from Winfred (date Feb. 8); Norman wrote a letter on the back of Winfred’s letter (date Feb. 23) to Guy; a comic clipped from a newspaper (date Jan. 31); an article about a flour mill explosion; a letter their sister Mollie wrote to their sister Mabel (date Feb. 17), and a letter Mabel wrote to her brother Norman (date Feb. 19). Feb. 23, 1944 (2)                             1490      NAM-GDM         St. Louis, MO. Norman A. Maxwell (Winfred’s uncle) sends a comic and a newspaper article about a flour mill explosion in Kansas City to his brother Guy D. Maxwell.

Feb. 23, 1944(2) – 1490 – Norm to Guy – Comic & News Read More »

Feb. 23, 1944(1) – 1480 – Norm to Guy

EDITOR’S NOTE: On Feb. 23, 1944, an envelope arrived for Guy D. Maxwell (Winfred’s dad) from his oldest brother, Norman A. Maxwell. The envelope contained six items – a letter to Norman from Winfred (date Feb. 8); Norman wrote a letter on the back of Winfred’s letter (date Feb. 23) to Guy; a comic clipped from a newspaper (date Jan. 31); an article about a flour mill explosion; a letter their sister Mollie wrote to their sister Mabel (date Feb. 17), and a letter Mabel wrote to her brother Norman (date Feb. 19). Feb. 23, 1944 (1)                             1480      NAM-G&CM      St. Louis, MO. Norman A. Maxwell (Winfred’s uncle) writes to his brother Guy D. Maxwell and his wife Cressie (Winfred’s Folks).  He appreciates Winfred writing to him and forwards the letter from Feb. 8th to them. Norman hopes Winfred has met with his son Jr. since he has not heard from Jr. in six weeks and hopes to hear from him soon; feels anxious; reads the daily war news; liked Churchill’s speech; worries about the Pacific war; heard from their Aunt Lee Fisher who shares their parents’ generation family news; and wrote to Herman Dickey (where Margaret is staying in St. Louis) about visiting.

Feb. 23, 1944(1) – 1480 – Norm to Guy Read More »

Feb. 21, 1944(3) – 1470 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 21, 1944. Winfred wrote one letter to his Folks and one letter to his sister Margaret; Clifford also wrote a letter home to the Folks. Feb. 21, 1944 (3)                             1470      CF           Fort Worden/Port Townsend, WA Clifford writes the Folks saying he got three letters from Staff Sgt. Winfred today; is getting along with his gal; will do better writing them; is sure tired of that place; still awaiting transfer orders; and one of the soldiers there was sentence to 10 years for going AWOL (Absent WithOut Leave).

Feb. 21, 1944(3) – 1470 – CF Read More »

Feb. 21, 1944(2) – 1460 – WM

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 21, 1944. Winfred wrote one letter to his Folks and one letter to his sister Margaret; Clifford also wrote a letter home to the Folks. Feb. 21, 1944 (2)                            1460      WM       Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes to his sister Margaret the day after his third mission. He asks about her job and activities; hasn’t heard from her for several days; is fine but busy; has time, a fire, pen & paper but nothing he can write about; from now on will say nothing in fewer words like Cliff; heard from Cliff who wants to get out of there and was on K.P. yesterday writing him from the latrine; is pretty tired and has to get up early.

Feb. 21, 1944(2) – 1460 – WM Read More »

Feb. 21, 1944(1) – 1450 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Three letters were written on Feb. 21, 1944. Winfred wrote one letter to his Folks and one letter to his sister Margaret; Clifford also wrote a letter home to the Folks. Feb. 21, 1944 (1)                             1450      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred write to the Folks the day after his third mission. Apologizes for not writing but has been very busy; is getting along well and feeling fine; heard from Cliff who got K.P. for chewing gum; gets a kick out of Cliffs letters; says Cliff is lucky to be where he is; missed the fuel truck so no fire; got an axe and some wood from a secret place; big poker game tonight and is just watching; needs a ration card to buy stuff there; and is pretty worn out.

Feb. 21, 1944(1) – 1450 – WF Read More »

Feb. 20, 1944 – 1440 – BOMB MISSION 3 – Brunswick 1

EDITOR’S NOTE: Feb. 20 – 25, 1944 became known as “Big Week”. An article – “BIG WEEK”: The Turning Point of the Air War in Europe in WWII – with a video link is being provided to explain the event; followed by Winfred’s Bomber Journal: Mission 3 entry.  FEB. 20, 1944                   1440                     BOMBER JOURNAL   MISSION 3 – BRUNSWICK 1 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PREVIOUS BOMBING MISSION CLICK HERE TO SEE THE NEXT BOMBING MISSION

Feb. 20, 1944 – 1440 – BOMB MISSION 3 – Brunswick 1 Read More »

Feb. 19, 1944(2) – 1420 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written on Feb. 19, 1944. One letter was written by Mabel Byrd (Winfred’s aunt) to Norman Maxwell (Winfred’s uncle). The other letter was written by Winfred to his Folks. Feb. 19, 1944 (2)              1420      WF         Station #144 – Old Buckenham, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks he has just finished reading the V-mail they sent.  He wonders if Clifford got transferred, or a rating; hasn’t received his back pay yet; says cigarettes and candy are in short supply there; is glad to hear the enlargements are being taken care of; comments on being fine without his ex-girlfriend; and has been at far worse places.

Feb. 19, 1944(2) – 1420 – WF Read More »

Feb. 19, 1944(1) – 1410 – Mabel to Norm

EDITOR’S NOTE: Two letters were written on Feb. 19, 1944. One letter was written by Mabel Byrd (Winfred’s aunt) to Norman Maxwell (Winfred’s uncle). The other letter was written by Winfred to his Folks.  Feb. 19, 1944 (1)                           1410                     Mab-Nor                            MO. Mabel Byrd writes to brother Norman Maxwell after she received the previous letter from their sister Molly. Norman then forwards her letter to their brother Guy (Winfred’s dad). It contains additional family info that Mollie had not included.

Feb. 19, 1944(1) – 1410 – Mabel to Norm Read More »