Maxwell's Letters Home

August 28, 1944 – 2390 – WM

Aug. 28, 1944          2390          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred asks Margaret how the world is treating her; apologizes for not writing more but just hasn’t been in the mood, and has nothing to write about; will be starting home in a week and is READY!; asks about St. Louis and if she is still taking swimming lessons; heard from Cliff yesterday = he was about as usual with Gal troubles; must close and write more letters. EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the last letter sent home by either of the boys until November. (or, at least the last one we have.) Winfred makes it back to the States in September. He transfers to the A. T. C. (Air Transport Command) and begins advanced schooling in Florida to become a radio operator/navigator. Clifford will finally get sent overseas. His war is just beginning. The Letters home will resume then. Real time updates will continue to be posted on the ‘1944 Maxwell’s Letters Home’ homepage at

August 28, 1944 – 2390 – WM Read More »

August 25, 1944 – 2380 – CF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is Clifford’s first letter home since June 15th, (almost ten weeks ago.) Aug. 25, 1944          2380          CF          Camp Barkeley, Texas The Folks hear from Clifford at last; just got back from the field today; had to turn in some of their stuff; hears they are going to Camp Bowie, Texas for more training; has sure been on the move the past few months; gets a lick out of some postcards; hopes to be h home for a few days when Winfred gets there – but he better hurry; everybody dislikes their officers and hopes for new ones when they transfer; guesses Patsy will be starting school soon; time is going by quickly and news is scarce. EDITOR’S NOTE: Clifford’s war will be getting started soon!

August 25, 1944 – 2380 – CF Read More »

August 20, 1944(2) – 2370 – WM

Aug. 20, 1944 (2)         2370          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred apologizes and scribbles a few lines to Margaret before going on duty; is a little happier now – knows he’s suppose to start home for the States in September; if lucky hopes to see her soon; nothing unusual there;  enjoying a beautiful summer and still gaining weight; and closes.

August 20, 1944(2) – 2370 – WM Read More »

August 20, 1944(1) – 2360 – WF

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is the first letter Winfred has sent home to the Folks in almost a month. Aug. 20, 1944(1)          2360          WF          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes the Folks; acknowledges he has been doing extra poor in writing to them but has so little to write about now; knows he should be back in the States sometime in September; wishes dad could have been there to see Billy Conn exhibition fight; hasn’t heard from Cliff in a long time; enclosing a few photos of around here + the boys – one of Eng. Vogan and himself; and closes.  

August 20, 1944(1) – 2360 – WF Read More »

August 10, 1944 – 2350 – WM

Aug. 10, 1944          2350          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred received a letter from Margaret today so writes her; comments on the Dickey’s vacation and a clipping he had sent; glad she is still swimming; and closes hoping he will be home soon.

August 10, 1944 – 2350 – WM Read More »

August 9, 1944 – 2340 – Pflug to Folks

EDITOR’S NOTE: Below is a letter written by a crew member that flew with Winfred on the Hoo Jive. It was written and sent by Paul Pflug, the navigator, to Winfred’s parents after he had returned to the United States. Aug. 9, 1944          2340          PF          Easton, PA Captain Pflug writes to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell. He knows Postmaster Maxwell will get this letter. He was the navigator on Winfred’s crew (the one who had saved Winfred’s life – (see Nov.10,1943 letter). They have finished their missions and been split up. He used to censor Winfred’s letters. He tells them they have a good son and one of the best radio operators. He wants to tell them Max is well and as happy as a person can be over there, has not been wounded or hurt and seems  just the same as when they first met at March Field. Winfred should be coming home in a couple of months, then they can see for themselves. Winfred is on a ground job now for a short time -then home; Winfred is safe – far from the buzz bombs. That’s all for now.

August 9, 1944 – 2340 – Pflug to Folks Read More »

August 7, 1944 – 2330 – WM

Aug. 7, 1944          2330          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes Margaret again. He says he keeps getting worse about his writing but there is nothing to write about; is feeling fine but is anxious to get home; nothing definite about how much longer it will be; mail is scarce; doesn’t know what he will do when he gets home but he’ll have a good time no matter what; asks if she hears from Cliff very often; and closes to write other.

August 7, 1944 – 2330 – WM Read More »

July 28, 1944 – 2320 – WM

Jul. 28, 1944          2320          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes Margaret again. He is getting more fed up with the same routine – he wants to get home; heard from Cliff today who is having trouble with mosquitoes, ants, etc. doing outdoor training; heard from Bea and asks if she gets by there; asks about the man situation in St. Louis for her (he would like to there a few days); asks if Joyce is all busy at work – tell her ‘Hello’; encourages her to keep writing and sending the clippings; looks like an All St. Louis World Series might be coming; and signs off for some sack time which he has become an artist at getting.

July 28, 1944 – 2320 – WM Read More »

July 27, 1944 – 2310 – WM

EDITOR’s NOTE: Today, July 27, 1944, is Winfred’s 23rd birthday. Jul. 27, 1944          2310          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred writes Margaret that he is exactly 23 years old today – time flies; hopes to be home before another year rolls by – doesn’t want to be too old when he returns; everything is as usual but a little tougher because of his wisdom tooth and laryngitis; saw a good show “Lady in the Dark” starring Ginger Rogers; Has heard from Bob Dickey in France; and is getting impatient to get home.

July 27, 1944 – 2310 – WM Read More »

July 24, 1944(2) – 2300 – WM

Jul. 24, 1944(2)          2300          WM          Station #114 – Hethel Air Base, UK via New York City, N.Y. Winfred answers Margaret’s long letter; is glad she was able to visit home and had quite a chat with Cliff – wonders how he is and if he has changed much since he last saw him 2 years ago; guesses she’s back at work; is getting along swell; is anxious to get home but will be there for some time; and heard from Bob Dickey in France and is blue.

July 24, 1944(2) – 2300 – WM Read More »