Sep. 15, 1943 (4) – 0520 – BMFz

EDITOR'S NOTE: On September 15, 1943, four letters arrived home - Two were from Winfred, one to the folks and one to Margaret; the third was from Clifford to his folks; and the fourth was to come to FIZZ, via his folks, from Bob Merrill (Clifford's best friend).
Spoiler alert! - Bob's letter is pretty funny. It gives a great description of small-town life in Irondale, MO. during the war from a visiting G.I.s perspective.

Sep. 15, 1943 (4)             0520           BMFz             Metropolis of Irondale story

Bob Merrill, Clifford’s best friend, describes life in Irondale, MO. during his recent furlough home.  His description of the smalltown of Irondale would make Andy Griffith proud.     (Letter 4 of 4 – Sept. 15, 1943)